
Kоlisnyk Nataliya Stanislovovna, candidat of medical sciences, Associate Professor.

Topic of dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences "Features of Treatment of the Dysfunction of External Breathing in Patients with Recurrent Tuberculosis of the Lungs in view of a status of vegetative regulation of the cardiac activity".

Speciality 14.01.26 — Phthisiology

Date of dissertation defense: 27.09.2007.

Marchenko Natalia Anatoliivna, responsible for educational work on the cycle

Topic of dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences « Efficacy and tolerability of antimycobacterial chemotherapy on antiretroviral therapy in patients with new cases of co-infection of TB/HIV».

Speciality 14.01.26 — Phthisiology

Chabanenko Denis Viktorovich,

assistant of department, responsible for scientific work on the cycle.

Stadnik Alexandr Igorevich,

assistant of department, responsible for medical work on the cycle.