
The Department of Phthisiology of Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy was founded in 1967 on the base of city TB dispensary. The necessity of its foundation was caused systemic reinforcement of phthisiologists and improvement of their knowledge, demand in training of qualified specialists – therapists, pediatricians with a command of early diagnostics, treatment and prevention of TB.

Teaching course of tuberculosis in Dnipropetrovsk medical institute started from the first years of its existence, first on the base of therapeutic clinic, headed by Professor M.A. Kabanov (1918-1923), M.M. Znamensky (1923-1924), A.F. Drzhevetsky (1925-1941). In postwar time the department was functioning at the department of facultative therapy, headed by Professor V.A. Galkina (1945-1958) and Ye.S. Medvedev (1958-1962). Dnipropetrovsk branch of Kharkiv research institute of tuberculosis, later – regional and city TB dispensary were the clinical bases for training of phthisiologists.

In 1962 the course of tuberculosis was transferred to the Department of Hospital Therapy № 2 under the guidance of Professor V.N.Dzyak. In 1967 lecture course on tuberculosis delivered by assistant professors was transformed into the Department, which was headed by B.V. Slipovronsky.

Over the period of his activity (1967-1979) the department acquired the status of an independent department, the clinical basis of which was Dnipropetrovsk city TB clinic. Since 1970 till 1975 the department was headed by assistant professor L.M. Yerokhina.

In this period consolidation of academic staff takes place. New staff members join the department (assistant professor D.G. Kryzhanovsky, assistant P.D. Shelpuk, L.I. Sotnykova).

Since 1975 the department had been headed by the assistant professor and later - Professor D.G. Kryzhanovsky. He paid great attention to training of specialists, optimization of training process, development of scientific trends, upgrading of facilities.

In 1976 in Dnipropetrovsk with the active participation of staff members of phthisiology department, VI-th Congress of Phthisiologists of Ukraine took place. «Dni nauki» in the industrial cities of the region – Pavlograd, Marganets, Kryvyi Rig, Dniprodzerzhinsk and others were held. 2 doctoral and 12 candidate’s theses were defended. Staff members of the department published more than 400 scientific works, of them – 28 articles in journals and 4 monographs. 206 reports at congresses, conferences, academic communities were made. 15 certificates on rationalizational proposals and 3 author’s certificates were obtained. 52 new methods of diagnostics and treatment were introduced into clinical practice of healthcare facilities.

By the year 1988 the department staff has increased its membership to 14 persons (10 assistants and 4 support personnel members). Academic staff numbers 1 Doctor of Science and 4 candidates of science.

Staff members prepared study-guides (tables, albums, slides, teaching films including), founded pathanatomical museum, equipped academic classrooms, prepared and published methodical guidelines for training of students. 43.000 students and trainees were trained.

Assistant professors P.G. Shelpuk, Ye.I. Grom, М.Yu. Kozhushko, assistants А.S. Аlmazov, G.V. Derkach, D.V. Chabanenko, N.M. Sidykh, О.G. Аndriyova, О.P. Zaiats worked at the department. Doctor of Medicine, Professor of medical biology, pharmacognosy and botany department S.S. Ostrovska, Doctor of Medicine, Professor O.I. Bilogortseva rose from the rank of laboratory assistants of phthisiology department.

Since the year 2000 the main trends of scientific research are: working out of diagnostic complex for defining early manifestations of respiratory and cardio-vascular insufficiency in patients with pulmonary TB, their prevention, treatment and prognosis, consequences of the disease. Beginning with 2005 staff members of the department actively cooperate with the World Health Organization in the frame of РАТН Project (“Program of optimal technologies in healthcare“), USAID Project «Partnership in control over tuberculosis in Ukraine», and beginning with 2012 - Project «Strengthening of control over TB in Ukraine».

With the technical support of Regional Mission of Agency on International development, the USA (USAID), Dnipropetrovsk medical academy and Association of physician-phthisiologists in the year 2006 on the base of the department there was established multi-component training center of post-graduate education for physicians, concerning prevention, diagnostics and treatment of TB in Ukraine and Dnipropetrovsk region. From January 2006 till September 2015, on the basis of training center 89 training courses were conducted, more than thousand doctors and nurses took training course.

Since 2014 the department has been headed by the candidate of medical science, assistant professor N.S. Kolisnyk. The trend of her scientific work is: early diagnostics of tuberculosis in children and adolescents, which is actively being introduced in clinical practice, the project on co-infection tuberculosis/HIV is being developed as well. Present staff of the department includes Head of the department, candidate of medical science, assistant N.S. Kolisnyk, Doctor of Medicine Professor D.G. Kryzhanovsky, assistant professor N.A. Marchenko, assistant V.A. Freyvald, assistant D.V. Chabanenko, assistant О.І. Stadnik, assistant N.Y. Chebotar.

Staff members of the department actively offer consultations in various clinics of the city and region, including anti-tuberculosis hospital of penitentiary system.

Students of the IV-th and VI-th year of medical faculty are trained according to the Program on ”Phthisiology” for the students of higher medical establishments of III.– IV levels of accreditation, interns on specialty “Pulmonology and phthisiology” do as well.

Post-graduate education – clinical residency on phthisiology.

Training process at the department is carried out according to the credit-module system in accordance with the requirements of Bologna process.

Scientific trend: Optimization of treatment of patients with chemoresistant tuberculosis and HIV-associated chemoresistant tuberculosis in establishments of penitentiary system.

Leading scientists of the department - Kryzhanovsky Dmytro Georgiyovych, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored physician of Ukraine.

Project are: improvement in identifying patients with contagious forms of tuberculosis in institutions of general curative network, training of medical personnel, reducing the incidence of tuberculosis and increasing public awareness about tuberculosis.

The Regional Coordinator of project is professor Kryzhanovsky D.G. Within the project the studies of phthiologists, laboratory technicians and statisticians are conducted in tuberculosis institutions of Dnipropetrovsk region for the implementation and development of DOTS strategy.

On the basis of Department the training and methodical center was organized for realization and development of PATH and DOTS strategy. From January 2006 to September 2015 at the training center conducted 89 training courses, From 2014 to current time the department is headed by Associate Professor, candidate of medical sciences Kolysnik N.S. The current staff of the Department consists of head of Department candidate of medicine. sciences, associate Professor N. S. Kolysnik, Doctor of medical sciences, Professor D. G. Kryzhanovsky, a candidate of medicine. sciences, associate Professor N.A. Marchenko, assistants V.A. Freyvald, D.V. Chabanenko, A. I. Stadnik, N.Y. Chebotar.